Distributing food and water to refugees living in a tent city
The Gospel is at work around the world

God is working right now all around the world. Churches are meeting the needs of the refugees in their midst, people are seeking to know more about Jesus, and church planting movements are springing up amongst various people groups. Join in this work by partnering with the pastors, church planters, and churches who are working hard for the gospel in countries that are just beginning to see the light of Jesus!

One way we can all partner with God’s work is through prayer. Another way to partner is through financial support. Below are projects worldwide to which MT28 is committed.  Please help us! Let us know if you would like to adopt a believer to pray for and/or click on the Donate button at the bottom of the page to donate to a specific project. None of us can do it all, but together we can make a difference.  

Praying for a Believer in the 10/40 Window

In many places being a Christian can be very difficult. Once you give your life to Jesus, your family may threaten to harm or kill you unless you return to your former religion. You may be kicked out of your family, lose your friends and your job, and if you are a student your grades may plummet. MT28 needs dedicated Christians who will adopt a believer in one of these difficult areas to pray for regularly. You will be sent a name, some info about your believer, and a weekly scripture and prayer points to pray for them. Click here to adopt a believer to pray for!

I Was Hungry . .

Turkish churches are working hard delivering food boxes, heating oil, and clothing to refugee families in their communities, standing in the gap and offering hope in the face of hopelessness.  Most refugees are living in crowded conditions with no access to health care. With the economy in shambles from the pandemic, they can seldom find jobs, leaving many at risk of starvation. This is a task Turkish churches cannot do alone.  They need compassionate people to partner with them and provide resources to help buy the necessary items.  Help them save lives and show the love of God.

Delivering food to refugees

Afghan Refugee Church Planter

Join God’s work among the Afghan refugees fleeing the Taliban.   K is a young man who left Afghanistan 5 years ago, heard the gospel in the nearby country in which he settled, and gave his life to the service of Christ.  K is serving God and his countrymen by sharing the gospel with his fellow refugees, planting house churches, and ministering to the many needs of the Afghans around him. K and others like him need committed Christians willing to give monthly to provide the support that will allow them to continue to serve.

Support a Pastor in the 10/40 Window

Help local pastors serve among their countrymen in the 10/40 window.   In many areas, no one will employ someone they know to be a Christian, and will boycott a business owned by one. Therefore, churches have little money, and pastors can seldom earn extra income. We need committed Christians willing to give monthly to  provide the support that will allow them to remain in their town and serve their congregation.  

Support the work of MT28 by donating using the button below or by sending a check to:

MT28, 6529 Needham Ln, Austin, TX 78739